Organize Apps into Folders
Bruce Burke
Suggestion for a future release. Incorporate the capability to organize apps into folders or contianers so that like apps can be grouped together. For example, i might create a folder or container called vehicle inspections. inside that folder i would have my pickup truck inspection app, line truck inspection app, etc.. Would be an easy way to keep like or similar apps organized.
Katie Briggs
We are the same having a few different organizations within our group to be able to select by group would be a big advantage saving to go through huge number of apps
Katie Briggs
Moving this status to Open as we are no longer actively researching this item. We will continue to monitor feedback!
Jeff Delmore
This is very much needed. After the recent addition of the lines and poly tools, I've been creating a line record just to use it to take a measurement for another record. Then delete the line record. An actual measurement tool would be a huge upgrade!
Kirk M
Good Idea, we are project based and would like to add a couple of inspections forms and see results on the same map by project.
Stephen E. Van Hoose, RA
This feature would a nice enhancement. It does get clunky scrolling through apps in a long list of them.
Katie Briggs
under review
Ben Coles
Yep we are starting to have to same issue. I see this was raised back in 2020. Hopefully its not to far off being implemented.
SK Curran
Agreed - I'd like a way to organize and file out apps as well. We have quite a few departments in our company using our Fulcrum account and it would be great to find apps via labels or folders.
Paul Coupe
We're needing this feature more and more, particularly in the web record list page. The list of apps in the record list page is getting rather long, especially with all the repeatable sections in the list too.
Apps which are hidden on the dashboard almost act as a "sub app", inside the main app's "group".
Groups would help lots, more for the web records list page than on devices.
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