I want to keep track of survey evidence linked to a database of assessments (of bat roosts). Whenever new evidence is added, or corrections are made to supporting evidence, this potentially invalidates the assessment. And all the evidence and assessments are stored in repeatables, not in main records. The assessments are updated using the importer whenever they are reviewed and I created a query that would test them against the supporting evidence when they are invalidated, so that I can pick out which item of evidence is newer than the assessment. However, because the assessments' _updated_at timestamps don't get updated by the importer, the query returns all evidence that is newer than when the assessment was first created. This is not what I want and results in mountains of spurious "newer' evidence which we already knew about when the assessment was last reviewed. Besides this, I simply expect an _updated_at timestamp on a repeatable to be the time when the repeatable was last updated, whether that's by the importer or any other method.