MultiPolygon support is largely needed on my end. Our QGIS maps have all of our government tenure in multipoly format and doing so would allow a lot of capabilities.
-Having the ability to make record points within a selected Polygon/Multipoly.
an example of why we need this: To highlight the tenure of our National Parks and Nature Reserves then allow us to input records for things like: signage, feral animal sightings, compliance issues, etc.
-We have Nature Reserves that require multipolys because of Main Road Tenure that goes through the middle. Allowing us to define the defined line of tenure.
GPS Tracking improvements that could be added that would benefit us.
-Background tracking and Record input: Allow us to create a record then start tracking in the background of an app while also allowing us to input records along the track that are assigned to the track line.
Example: - Our rangers would like to develop a patrol app in which they can start a record by clicking "start patrol". The line would track you in the background then as issues come up you can input a record point on the GPS Tracked line where you can input information about a compliance issue.